Skin Skoop – October 2014 – Issue 10

Title Picture - New Logo

Bobbi Edwards, M.D.     |     Nicole Rataj Casady, PA-C

 Low Level Laser for Hair Loss

Sunetics_LaserLow level laser is a non-invasive treatment available to patients with Androgeneric Alopecia (AGA), a form of hair loss that is inherited.  Laser treatments can be administered in our office (two treatments per week – 30 minutes per treatment) or administered at home thru the purchase of a Laser Cap (three treatments per week – 30 minutes per treatment).

To understand how laser works, one much understand the hair growth cycle.  The hair growth cycle consists of 3 phases: growth (anagen phase), resting (telogen phase), and shedding (catagen phase).

Low level laser therapy is believed to increase blood flow in the scalp and stimulate metabolism in catagen and telogen follicles (hair roots), resulting in the production of anagen hair.

The photons of light create a chemical reaction in the hair follicle cells, releasing energy and stimulating metabolic processes necessary for hair growth.  This reaction also causes a release of nitric oxide from cells, leading to increased blood flow in the scalp and enhancing the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots.

Additionally, hair loss in AGA depends on a testosterone-derivative in the skin called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  Low level laser is thought to prevent the build-up of DHT in the skin, thus helping to retain more hair.

If you are interested in low level laser to treat your genetic hair loss, we are happy to provide more information regarding our hair restoration services.

Nikki’s Acne Corner – What’s the Deal with Adult Acne?

Acne is a common problem.  The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that nearly 85% of people deal with acne at some point in their lives.  Some individuals suffer with acne for their entire lives, while others develop it for the first time as adults.

The diagnosis of acne in adults affects women disproportionately over men.  While the exact reason is not understood, there are a few theories that exist:

  • Hormonal changes – Hormones are the biggest suspect.  Hormonal changes occur normally in women throughout the course of life, and any time there is a hormonal change, it can manifest in the skin as acne.
  • Stress – When women are stresses (emotionally or physically), increased levels of stress hormones are produced, which can affect the hormone cascade that contributes to acne in the skin.  Studies have actually demonstrated that women with fast-paced careers reporting high stress levels also had higher levels of acne flaring.
  • Starting or stopping medications – Birth control pills and hormonal contraceptives can make acne better or worse (this can vary from person to person).  Some women find that their acne is controlled by taking birth control, only to have it reflare when they decide to discontinue the pills.  There are other prescription medications (steroids, certain anticonvulsants, and others) that have been implicated as potential causes of acne, but never stop any medicines without consulting with your clinician first.
  • Genetics – Research has suggested that acne can be an inherited skin condition.

Many adults mistakenly think that there is no treatment available for this acne, but MANY effective treatments exist.  Be sure to address your concerns with your dermatology provider – we’re here to create acne regimen that integrates well into your lifestyle!

October’s Product of the Month –


Pedinol Sleep-N-HeelEach Sleep-N-Heel Night Conditioning Heel Sleeve is molded with a soft, fragrance-free pad lining comfortably conforms to the shape of the heel.  Using a patent-pending technology, this proprietary gel is designed to slowly release a unique blend of natural moisturizers.  Enriching essential oils – such as coconut, jojoba, and olive oil – provide deep conditioning and continuous hydration to impart needed moisture, while vitamin E and shea butter supply a potent source of antioxidants and other nutrients that promote healthy skin renewal and rejuvenate its appearance.

Use regularly to maintain soft, smooth heels.  Lightweight stretch acrylic knit sleeves slide on easily and fit securely without constricting.  Effective and reusable for up to 40 treatments!

PEDiNOL Sleep-N-Heel Night Conditioning Heel Sleeves – $25 at Michigan SKIN Associates.

Pedinol S-N-H Feet


Skin Skoop October 2014 Crossword!

Oct 2014 CrosswordACROSS:

2. Medical term for “hair loss.”

4.  Nearly 85% of people are affected by ___ over the course of their life.

5.  “Resting phase” of hair cycle.

6.  Suspected cause of adult female acne.

8.  “Shedding phase” of hair cycle.

10.  Low level ______ is a treatment option for genetic hair loss.


1.  Type of natural oil used to moisturize skin.

3.  “Growth phase” of the hair cycle.

7.  Emotional and physical _____ can trigger acne.

9.  Abbreviation for genetic hair loss.

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