Skin Skoop – September 2014 – Issue 9

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Bobbi Edwards, M.D.     |     Nicole Rataj Casady, PA-C



We see many types of hair loss (alopecia) in our practice.  Each month, we will feature a different type of hair loss to help our patients better understand their particular condition.  In general, alopecias can be categorized as scarring vs. non-scarring.  Scarring alopecia is comprised of several different types of hair loss that all lead to permanent loss of the hair follicle.  Non-scarring alopecias are forms of hair loss that do not result in permanent scarring of the follicle.

AGAAndrogenetic alopecia (AGA) is a form of non-scarring hair loss that is genetically-influenced.  It can affect both men and women.  AGA is a progressive form of hair loss that is progressive and requires ongoing treatment to maintain the hair.

Genetic hair loss is the most common type of hair loss in the world.

The diagnosis of AGA can be confirmed by scalp biopsy.  If you or a family member think you may be affected by genetic hair loss, schedule your hair loss consultation with Dr. Edwards right away.  The sooner you start treatment, the better the chance you have of maintaining your hair.

Nikki’s Acne Corner – Does Stress Cause Acne?

stressIt’s September and the kids are all headed back to school.  Fall can be a stressful time for teens and college students (and sometimes even for  their parents!) as academic demands increase.  The acne bumps – that seemed pretty mild over the summer – suddenly seem to be taking over your gorgeous child’s face, leaving stubborn red spots and dark spots in their wake.   Is stress causing all of this acne?

Like many topics in skin care, the link between acne and stress has been controversial.  However, there is a real physiologic mechanism to explain how stress contributes to acne.  When the body experiences psychological or physical stress, it will secrete higher levels of a hormone called  cortisol (cortisol is actually referred to as the “stress hormone”).  Increased levels of cortisol affect the hormone pathways involved in the development of acne.  While stress is unlikely to be the sole cause of an individual’s acne, dermatology specialists understand that its presence can certainly make it worse.

Acne patients under stress need to keep up with their acne treatment regimen consistently – now is NOT the time to slack off on skin care.  If the breakouts remain uncontrolled, some individuals may require more aggressive treatments (such as oral antibiotics or cortisone injections) until the stress subsides.

It is important for people to develop stress management techniques to help them cope with challenges they face at school, at work, and at home.   Managing stress through exercise, proper sleep, and proper nutrition can be beneficial in reducing acne flares.  Stress reduction can also decrease one’s risk of developing other medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

September’s Product of the Month – Michigan S.K.I.N. Associates Double Action Pads

Have a teenager with acne?  Our Double Action Pads are a must-have in your son or daughter’s backpack this fall.

Each pad contains pure glycolic acid combined with acne-fighting salicylic acid.  The result?  Accelerated removal of dead skin cells plus fewer acne bumps on the skin.  This product is great to help quickly remove dirt / oil /sweat + treat acne prone skin after gym class and sports practice.

Double Action Pads

 Michigan S.K.I.N. Associates Double Action Pads.  60 pads/jar.  $16 (plus tax).

The Skin Skoop Crossword – September 2014

Are you skin savvy?  Test your knowledge!

JPG Crossword - Sept 2014ACROSS:

2.  Most common type of hair loss in the world

6.  A common skin disease that causes areas of the skin to become red, rough, and intensely itchy

8.  Medical specialty that focuses on the skin, hair, and nails

9.  Hair _______ is the gold standard for hair restoration

10.  Psoriasis patients sometimes develop joint pain, which is referred to as “psoriatic _______”


1.  A common fungal infection of the skin with a characteristic round, ring-like shape

3.  A person with special training in administering facials, spa services, and makeup application

4.  Medical term for hair loss

5.  The most common skin condition in the U.S. and can involve blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cysts

7.  This rash is caused by the immune system and can create silvery-white scaling on the elbows, knees, and scalp



For answer key, please click image below (image will enlarge):

Crossword - Sept 2014 JPG Key


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